Influenced by the Spring 2010 shows, I have already been focused to the coming season. My favorite for this spring will definitely be trenchcoats. I love them, not only the classical ones but also the interpreted ones. Well, one should own at least one classical timeless trenchcoat but next season it will not be enough.

You will go for the ruffled, cropped, lengthened alternatives according to your taste.

I love wearing them with Jeans but also like the way how Bailey paired them with soft skirts and dresses at the Burberry Show.

When talking about trench, I have to mention Burberry's "the Art of the Trench" project which pays homage to Burberry's iconic trench coat. You can see broad range of trench lovers with different sense of style. The project not only presents the fan pictures but also beautiful photos captured by Scott Schuman. Adorable! This project is also a good example of how such big brands also appreciate the power of social networking and try to use it.

finally I'm back:)
hepsine bayıldım.çok karizma ve sofistike.
saks mavisi ayakkabı ile burberry trench coat da ayrı şık olmuş..
hani hani seninki??
bunu gordun mu? Aldridge trench for Gryphon Jane ve Judy isi buyuttu :)
Alridgeler süper... Bayadır takip etmiyodum.
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