Elin Kling wore such a necklace she designed for H&M but I am not sure if it had even hit the stores in Istanbul.

My latest blog crush luxuryshoppers.net (LS) writers have designed something similar in silver and gold. In fact I like these more as they do not sit so tight on the neck. It might be my perfect accesory next season worn with knits...

Will I be able to get one, don't know yet?
I also like the cuffs by LS worn on both wrists. Aren't they beautiful?

tuhaf bi zevkin oldugunu dusunuyorum zaman zaman.korkunc bogucu buldum bu tasmamsı kolyeleri.iğreti de olsa kendini gösteren şeyleri seviyorsun, aslan kızım.ı-ıh uzgunum bana göre sux.
Tuhaf demen bile hoşuma gitti tuhafım galiba :)
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