I just had a quick look yesterday and the whole issue seems really attractive and is waiting for me.

My plan for tonight is to enjoy i-D while sipping my latte... And also maybe doing some planning and research for our upcoming vacation, more to come on that :) Hope I can also find Carine's book Irreverent during our vacation, which is a collection of photos of her 30-year career including her most famous and most provocative shoots as well as photos from her personal life.
God Save the Queen(s) !
fotoğrafın kitabı dedin kalbimden vurdun Özlemcim, harika. çok kalın ve ağırdır tahminim, getirmesi zordur ama getirilmezse kesin pişmanlık yaşanır.
Hala aklin Munihte almadigimiz kitaplarda degil mi :P keske bir daha gitsek tam da bu zamanlardi, Kasim ayi :)
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