Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Jay-Z's Empire State of Mind with Alicia Keys vocals became one of my favorites these days. Not only because they are talented musicians but also because the song could not express my feelings for big apple any better...
In New York

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothing you can’t do

Now you’re in New York

hese streets will make you feel brand new
ig lights will inspire you
let's here it for New York

Here is the song with an NYC street fashion parade by The Sartorialist.
Women in NY; stylish, cool and definitely confident...


batuj said...

new york neeeeeewwww yooooooooorrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

jazzy cat said...

yok abi NY den başka yerde yaşamak bi hata

not: yorum eklerken bi de high security uygulamasan, bayılacam valla iki kelime yazcam diye!